Army Life
Embracing that Army family lifestyle!
An Open Letter to Military Moms: I was an Army Brat too
This is for my mom-tribe: especially the military moms who are doubting a little bit. Is this military life harder on them than it is on me? Should I even have kids while he’s still in? Will the military mess up my kids? Dear Moms, Once upon a time, I was the little kid that fell asleep with…
How the Army Helped Pay for My College: Scholarships for Military Children
I feel like every time you google “military scholarships” the first results are always for people looking to join the military, or for military members who want to receive a higher education. Which is totally fine. But what about military dependents? Sure, some of us qualify for the GI Bill (and that helps a TON). But some of…
10 Coping Mechanisms That Actually Work For Kids During Deployment
If this is your first time visiting my blog, welcome! I wear many hats around here but my most commonly worn hat is the military wife one. I’m taking that hat off right now. Today, I’m writing this as an Army brat. I’m dipping into my memory bank and heart here. So if any of these ideas or coping mechanisms…
Military Love: The Secret to Not Over-Adapting
The most common piece of relationship advice you’ll here in military circles: Adapt. Everyone agrees that the military life requires a great deal of adapting, especially if you were a couple before your significant other joined the military. Especially that. But on your journey of adaptation…how do you keep from going too far? Is it possible to over-adapt? I…
Best Places to Find MilSpouse Friends at a New Duty Station
If you’ve been a dependent for any length of time, or PCS’d to a duty station that wasn’t your hometown, you may have been faced with the an incredibly daunting task. And I don’t mean unpacking your household goods. I’m talking about the one of the hardest parts of adulting: Making friends with other adults. If you live…