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Live Every Day as Though it’s September 12



9-11 is a relevant date, every day of the year, every year.


For many of us, our life has a before 9-11 phase and a post 9-11 phase. We never mix the two up. We can’t.


And usually, every year I post something on the memorial of 9-11 to remember with the rest of the USA all the heroes who died that day. But I saved this post for the day after because it felt right. Because 9-11 is always relevant.


I read something yesterday that really struck me:


“The best way to honor the victims of 9-11 is to live as if every day is September 12.”


The immediate aftermath of one of the greatest tragedies ever to occur on US soil was a spirit of unity. A spirit of patriotism. A spirit of American pride.


Americans had unified anger and hurt, for sure. But it wasn’t against each other. We set aside our differences, we set aside ourselves. We were a unified country and we were not going to let that happen to ourselves ever again.


Fast forward 18 years.


Division, racism, egos, sexism, misunderstanding, friction, intolerance, agenda-pushing, hate– you can’t take a peek at social media or the world of news without encountering it now.


But if we were able to put that aside before, why can’t we do it again?


Don’t we owe it to the 9-11 heroes to live the way we did when the wounds of loss were still fresh?


Today, 18 years ago, almost 3,000 heroes did not wake up. September 11, 2001 was their last day. They never had a September 12.


There were thousands upon thousands waking up in hospitals today, 18 years ago. Children waking up without one of their parents in the home. Spouses waking up to an empty bed.


September 12, like every day, should (and can) be remembered as their day. We have the chance to live it even though they don’t. And by living it in the same spirit of unity, patriotism, and American pride, we can honor the ones who inspired those same virtues in us in the first place.


They put all those sentiments and feelings and strengths in our hearts before. Let’s allow them to continue to do it, day after day after day.



9-11 heroes, you are never forgotten.


talk to me--- PUHLEEEEEEZ

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